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codenames code names duet two player version game cards guessing spy agent fun date night 2 players clue giving

Codenames: Duet


Similar in base mechanics to Codenames, where one-word clues are given to help identify your agents among the set of cards, but now everyone's working together to find all the agents before the assassin strikes 


To set up play, lay out 25 word cards in a 5x5 grid. Place a key card in the holder so that each player sees one side of the card.


Each player sees a 5x5 grid on the card, with nine of the squares colored green (representing your agents) and one square colored black (representing an assassin).


The assassin is in different places on each side of the card, and three of the nine squares on each side are also green on the other side!


Collectively, you need to reveal all fifteen agents — without revealing either assassin or too many innocent bystanders — before time runs out in order to win the game. Either player can decide to give a one-word clue to the other player, along with a number. Whoever receives the clue places a finger on a card to identify that agent. If correct, they can attempt to identify another one. If they reveal as many as the number stated by the clue-giver, then they can take one final guess, if desired. If they identify a bystander, then their guessing time ends. If they identify an assassin, you both lose!


Players: 2 or 4 (This version of Codenames works best with even numbers of players, ideally 2 or 4 players)

Gameplay: 15-30 mins

Ages: 10+

Games Designers: Vlaada Chvátil, Scot Eaton

Type/Mechanics: Card game, cooperative play, spy/secret agent, team play, deduction, word game (What does this mean?)

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