1. the state or condition of being active
2. a recreational pursuit or pastime
3. actions taken by a person or group to achieve their aims
About us
We’re your game-obsessed, crafting wizard friends that like to find all things fun
One fateful day several years ago, Cassie and some friends were looking for something fun to do over the weekend. After scouring local game stores, hobby shops and all the name brand big box stores, they couldn’t find anything that fit the bill of fun, creative, and modern.
From there, Cassie vowed to make it her mission to seek out these elusive activities. It was then that the idea for The Activity Hive was born... however it would still be a couple years before it was brought to those beyond her circle of friends.
In 2020, after years of working in procurement and in the field of sustainability, the idea of Activity Hive formed into a reality.
Ultimately, it would be a place to find something to do - whether that be with a group or on one's own. A place for those looking for something to help them unwind, or bring out their creative side without too much commitment or “artistic ability”. It would be a place to learn about new games, find a new hobby or unique gift ideas. It would also be a place that facilitates and improves certain activities such as work or school.
No matter what you’re looking for, we embrace the fact that everyone has different goals, interests and ideas of “fun”. This is a safe space to find something that piques your specific interests and is also mindful of supporting smaller brands and sustainability efforts.